Applications have many dependencies. To be assured they run well, we need prominence into servers, virtualization, storage and many other components. Finding a emanate opposite these layers customarily takes a lot of time.
With a new PerStack™ dashboard, we can draft focus opening along with any pivotal metrics from a ancillary infrastructure opposite a stack, in a singular time-based dashboard. This allows easy marker of aberrant or degraded program or member opening in propinquity to a application.
- Automatic find and dependency mapping opposite applications and infrastructure: Exchange Servers, practical hosts, databases, storage devices, server hardware and more.
- Hundreds of templates to guard your pivotal applications, and hundreds of village templates and a ability to emanate your possess to guard blurb or tradition applications
- Asset inventory, ability planning, cloud monitoring and many some-more capabilities
- An discerning user interface, customizable dashboards, modernized alerts and tradition reports
Try SolarWinds® Server and Application Monitor and start troubleshooting focus issues faster. Download your free, fully-functional 30 day hearing today!
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